Analytical Society: a fusion between data and life
The influence of technology on how people engage with the world is remarkable. We live in a deeply interconnected society through digital networks, offering a range of opportunities. Through intricate circuits, various technological interfaces around the globe are linked, transcending language and cultural barriers. This interconnection results in the proliferation of data generated by interactions between humans and machines.
Even though they are not biological entities, these machines have the ability to gather data from individuals and, in a matter of milliseconds, acquire a detailed understanding of human bodies and behavior. Thus, information becomes inseparably intertwined with humanity due to technological advancement. While some generate data, others dedicate themselves to transforming and meticulously analyzing it, searching for patterns or anomalies. This relentless pursuit aims at developing applications ranging from life preservation to seeking financial rewards.
The outcome of this fusion is a profound transformation in all aspects that compose the world, including human, social, and economic dimensions. This transformation is driven by technique and its capacity to disseminate information through interconnected circuits, reshaping the fabric of society in deep and impactful ways.
In this context, both society and professionals from various fields become data analysts, monitoring information and making real-time discoveries to support decisions using a variety of evidence. This generates an analytical understanding of the world, leading to changes in ways of living and coexisting.
The circuits symbolize technology, which affects and transforms the lives of all individuals, generating new forms of life and work. The implications of this reverberate at the core of new generations. Future generations will consist of digital natives, a result of the fusion between humans and machines. They will carry information about their own bodies, seeking to correct potential imperfections, as seen in applications focused on the human genome. In a few years, information will be so precise that the courses of life will be systematically altered, propelled by the data currently collected and processed. Ethical and human issues emerge on a large scale, addressing everything from the functioning of algorithms to the responses generated by generative artificial intelligence interfaces.
Natural resources are directly influenced by the circuits, which consequently transform the environment inhabited by humans. This happens due to data that turns into information, guiding human choices. The analytical generation is already a reality, with digital natives using data for transportation through ride-sharing apps, health monitoring, and creating new forms of digitally connected and network-based work, among other transformations resulting from the impact of the technological acceleration of information, deeply ingrained in society. Analytical skills have become essential for work in all fields of activity, and those lacking these resources are marginalized in a hyperconnected society shaped by technology.
The tree symbolizing the analytical education movement by the Cappra Institute, whose roots are formed by circuits, represents the influence of technology on the functioning of living beings. Data flows continuously, nourishing the information necessary for the survival of the ecosystem. This condition affects natural elements, transforming the "natural" into something resulting from interaction with the artificial. Everything that emerges today is shaped by information technology, and analytical education emerges as a tool for enlightenment for the individual.
As Heidegger once stated, technology has the role of revealing something to humans, offering them a path to discover what was not previously present in them. This becomes the specific and enabling way for humans to inhabit the world. A new analytical generation inevitably relates to the world through interconnected data by technological circuits, altering the course of their lives through this form of reality enlightenment. The human being, although a vital and intelligent component, is part of a complex and self-generating ecosystem in which the artificial and the natural coexist for the survival of the whole.